Customize background
Set custom background image and background color for your video. Prepare background images with logos to brand your videos.

Script your video
Add text/lines with frame duration. Frame duration is measured in seconds and syncs text to the background audio. If you're working on a lyric video, the video script works to sync lyric lines with the music.

Export and share
Easily export your videos to MP4 format, ready for sharing on websites and social media networks.

Sync audio assistant
Synchronize frames to audio. If you are working on a lyric video, all you have to do is copy and paste in the lyrics and use the "Sync Audio" feature to synchronize lyric lines with the music.
Transition effects
Optional video frame transition fade-in and fade-out effects.
Beautiful fonts
Choose from a collection of gorgeous fonts. Easily customize font style, size and color.
Flexible layouts
Multiple text alignment options providing controls for both horizontal and vertical alignments.
Unlimited videos
Create and export as many videos as you like.

When working on multiple projects, you can easily save and reload video scripts for future edits.

Available on the Microsoft Store
Animated Text Studio is available on the Microsoft Store. Compatible with devices running Windows 10 and Windows 11.